
Aynsley Lister

Electric Blues & Rock Guitar

AYNSLEY LISTER ist einer der angesagtesten zeitgenössischen Bluesgitarristen Großbritanniens - viele halten ihn für einen der besten der Welt. Sein einzigartiger, auf dem Blues basierender Rock bietet zeitgemäßes Songwriting mit der Art von Herz und Seele, die in der modernen Musik so oft fehlt.
Seine Leidenschaft für Musik ist genreübergreifend, so kombiniert er mühelos Blues, Soul, Americana, Rock und manchmal sogar Pop-Elemente miteinander.
 “A quite marvellous guitarist of passion and strength, and with a fine distinctive voice” -
Record Collector Magazine
“Aynsley really knows how to shape a solo, when to hold back and when to step on the gas... Fine songs, a top-notch band, powerful production and a mix of great tones this is British blues at its finest, but with a catchy rock edge.” -
Guitar Techniques Magazine




basic grasp of lead playing and have a fair knowledge of some of the more common chords

EUR 325,–
(inklusive Festival-T-Shirt)

Ermäßigte Gebühr
EUR 195,–

Zur Anmeldung



basic grasp of lead playing and a fair knowledge of some of the more common chords

Bitte mitbringen
E-Gitarre, Übungsamp (gerne mit Kopfhöreranschluss und Kopfhörer), Notenständer


We’ll cover everything from lead playing, rhythm playing, guitar sound and set up and all points in between!

Lead playing will be broken right down to the bare bones - the basics of what notes to use and when and where to use them. We’ll cover different methods of maximising what you already know and then building on it further. Looking into rhythm and chords etc, we’ll work on broadening your variety and how to make it more interesting using a few simple techniques.

I’ll make it as practical as possible whereby everyone will get a regular opportunity to try things out as we go along. I will reference theory where necessary but I won’t focus too much on it, so a knowledge of theory is not essential for the students.

To benefit fully, the player should have a basic grasp of lead playing and have a fair knowledge of some of the more common chords. We won’t go into any of the jazzy territory so nothing too challenging!

Of course we can look at guitar sound and setup too as this is always something that seems to be a popular subject.